Authentication Options


Here you can see your authentication settings.  You can see the option, description, status, values, and request changes.  Following are the different Authentication options:

  1. IP Address - IP Address authentication makes it so anyone coming from your institution's IP address or range would not need to log in to access your Infobase subscriptions.
  2. Referring URL - If  your users are already logging in to a password protected page before accessing your Infobase subscriptions, we can use referring URL authentication to make sure they don't have to log in twice.
  3. Barcode - Barcode authentication is primarily a "remote user" or "off campus" authentication solution.  Many libraries issue their patrons a barcode/membership number.  To enable this method of authentication you will need to supply the barcode number pattern.  Often it looks like the following: 25501xxxxxxxxxxx.
  4. LTI Integrations - LTI, or Learning Tools Interoperability, is a protocol for integrating with learning management systems.
  5. Proxy URL Modifier - Having the proxy modifier on file automatically adds it to links shared from your Infobase subscription.
  6. Passkeys - Passkeys allow schools to grant access to teachers quickly and effectively.  Allowing teachers the ability to register themselves takes less than one minute and removes the burden of establishing accounts from the Administration and Tech teams. Note: Passkeys is only available for Learn360.

To request changes to the status of any of these authentication options click on the mail icon in the request changes column.

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