Schoology LTI App Overview


Customers using Schoology, a PowerSchool Unified Classroom product learning management system can embed content from the following products directly into their courses:

  • African-American History
  • American History
  • American Indian History
  • Ancient and Medieval Hisstory
  • Bloom's Literature
  • Health Reference Center
  • Modern World History
  • Science Online
  • World Religions Online
  • The World Almanac for Kids
  • eBooks
  • Access Video On Demand
  • Classroom Video On Demand
  • Films On Demand
  • Access Video On Demand Just For Kids
  • Learn360

For app installation instructions please refer to the Schoology LTI App Installation article.

The LTI app provides a rich integration between the product and your Schoology courses.  Users of Schoology can embed the product resources directly into their courses, without having to leave the LMS.  This plugin is LTI based and integrated directly into the standard Schoology HTML editor and the Add Materials menu within a course.


  1. LTI based application that does not require any user account maintenance within the product.
  2. Quick and easy setup and installation.
  3. Seamless user experience that allows user to embed product records directly into Schoology, without leaving the LMS.

Using the Schoology App

The product app is available for all of our Schoology users and can be installed for:

  • Users
  • Courses:
    • Course Materials Selection
    • Rich Text Editor
    • External Tool
  • Groups

Below are examples of two ways to embed the product records into your courses.

Course Materials Selection

From within a course, you have the option of finding and embedding records directly into the course materials section using the Add Materials drop-down.

  • Click on the Add Materials button below the course name.
  • Click on the product app shown on the right-hand side of the drop-down menu.

An Add Materials pop up window will display.

  • Enter your keyword or phrase into the search box and click the search icon.

  • The search results window offers several functions:
    • Pagination - Use the pagination controls to skip to other pages of results.
    • Preview - Use the preview link to view the record before deciding to embed it.  Clicking on this link opens a new window.
    • Embed - Use the embed button to insert the selected record into your course.
  • Once you have chosen a record to embed, click on the Embed button.


After choosing a record to embed, you will be returned to your course materials list.  Your selected embedded record will display on the page.

  • Click on the thumbnail image to view the embedded record directly on the page.
  • Clicking on the record title will open it on a new page.

Rich Text Editor

The Schoology HTML editor contains an Insert Content option shown below.  This icon is available inside the HTML editor used in some of the Add Materials options, such as adding an Assignment, Test/Quiz, Discussion, or Page to your course.

  1. Click on the desired option such as Add Page.
  2. Click on the Insert Content editor option.
  3. Click on the product option located on the right-hand side of the Insert Content menu.
  4. The Import from resources pop up window will appear, which is identical to the Add Materials window shown above.
  5. Follow the same steps outlined above to locate and embed your desired content.

The content will appear as a yellow box within the editor until you click the Create button.

Your new course material will now appear under the main materials list.  Clicking on the title will load the resource and any embedded records from the product page.



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