Requesting and Installing the Itslearning LTI Application


The product itslearning LTI application for the following products requires a key and secret before it can be used:

  • African-American history
  • American History
  • American Indian History
  • Ancient and medieval History
  • Bloom's Literature
  • Ferguson's Career Guidance Center
  • Health Reference Center
  • Modern World History
  • Science Online
  • The World Almanac for Kids
  • World Geography and Culture Online
  • eBooks
  • Access Video On Demand
  • Classroom Video On Demand
  • Films On Demand
  • Access Video On Demand Just For Kids
  • Learn360

If you are currently an itslearning customer and have an active product subscription, please follow the steps below to request and install the itslearning LTI application.

You are allowed to add the app before obtaining your key/secret, but it will not work until you have this information.

To obtain your key and secret, you must contact your itslearning rep and request the necessary product app key and secret.  They will facilitate getting this setup on your behalf, or you may enter this information yourself from the developer tab.

To locate and add the product app:

  1. From within your course, click on the icon above the resources section and select Browse app library.
  2. Search for the product and click the Include this App button.
  3. The product app should now appear under Resources.

If your ever need to remove the product app from the Resources section, return to the app library, search for the product again, and click the Remove this App button.

For additional information on using the product itslearning app, please consult the Embedding Content into Itslearning.

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