If your institution subscribes or purchased Individual Titles, you will see the Individual Licenses tab on the left-hand navigation to manage these Individual Title Licenses.
Streaming Video Individual Title Licenses Page:
On this page you will easily be able to access information about your Individual Title Licenses. If you have Streaming Video titles you will see the following information:
The Title Count, Title Views, Video Plays, and Expiring title count (within 30 days) will be clearly displayed at the top of the page.
There is absolutely no correlation between a View and Play. A view is counted when the player page is loaded and does not involve any interaction with the video player itself. If a user comes to a video detail page and never plays the video, that would count as one view and zero plays. If a professor shares a link to a video with a class and multiple people watch the same video over and over again, the result would yield a higher number of plays versus views. It is very possible to have more plays than views.
You will have the ability at the top to filter the information by the Last 12 Months, Last 6 Months, Current Month, Current Year, Last 30 Days, or a Custom Date Range.
You can export your Individual Titles with the following options:
You can search Titles, as well as Filter the display by the following:
- Item #
- Title
- Copyright
- Run-Time
- Producer
- Status
- Title Views
- Video Plays
- Start Date
- Expiration
eBook Individual Title Licenses Page:
On this page you will easily be able to access information about your Individual Title Licenses. If you have eBook titles you will see the following information:
The Title Count, Title Views, Recently Purchased, and Expiring title count (within 30 days) will be clearly displayed at the top of the page.
You will have the ability at the top to filter the information by the Last 12 Months, Last 6 Months, Current Month, Current Year, Last 30 Days, or a Custom Date Range.
You can export your Individual Titles with the following options:
You can search Titles, as well as Filter the display by the following:
- Title
- Copyright
- Imprint
- Views
- Status
- Start Date
- Expiration
Take Action on Your Individual Title Licenses:
You can request to take action on your individual title licenses by selecting the button below.
Enter your email address and name and select the action you would like to take. The following action are available.
- Renew and Process (only available if your titles are expiring within the next 30 days)
- Request Additional Information
An email will be sent to your sales representative with your request. They will reach out to you to confirm the request changes or answer any questions you have submitted.