Below is a list of all of the different report options for COUNTER5:
What is the PR (Platform Master Report) Report?
The Platform Master Report is a customizable report summarizing activity across a content provider’s platforms that allows the user to apply filters and select other configuration options.
What is the PR_P1 (Platform Usage) Report?
The PR_P1 (Platform Usage) Report is platform-level usage summarized by metric type. The report shows total and unique item requests, unique title requests, and platform searches.
What is the DR (Database Master Report) Report?
The DR (Database Master Report) is a customizable report detailing activity by database that allows the user to apply filters and select other configuration options.
What is a DR_D1 (Database Search and Item Usage) Report?
The DR_D1 (Database Search and Item Usage) reports on key searches, investigations and requests metrics needed to evaluate a database. The report shows regular and federated searches, and total item investigations and requests.
What is an IR (Item Master Report) Report?
The IR (Item Master Report) is a granular, customizable report showing activity at the level of the item (article, chapter, media object, etc.) that allows the user to apply filters and select other configuration options.
What is an IR_M1 (Multimedia Item Requests) Report?
The IR_M1 (Multimedia Item Requests) reports on multimedia requests at the item level.
What is a TR (Title Master Report) Report?
The TR (Title Master Report) Report is a customizable report detailing activity at the title level (journal, book, etc.) that allows the user to apply filters and select other configuration options.
What is a TR_B1 (Book Requests (Excluding OA_Gold)) Report?
The TR_BR1 (Book Requests (excluding OA_Gold)) reports on full-text activity for books, excluding Gold Open Access content, as total item requests and unique title requests. Numbers between sites will vary based on whether the content is delivered as a complete book or by chapter.