Creating Personalized Admin Credentials


To create a personal username you must already have access to the Infobase Admin Portal or ask your Account Admin to assist in creating personalized credentials for you. 

  • Access the Infobase Admin Portal with the Account Admin credentials and click on Institutions & Users from the left pane (if just Users appears, pick that option).AdminPortal-CreatePersonalizedCreds-1a_120424.png
  • On the Institutions & Users display, click on Users tab. If you only had Users option, display should automatically open on Users tab.
  • Click on the New User button in upper right.AdminPortal-CreatePersonalizedCreds-2_120424.png
  • An overlay will open with prompts, you must complete all fields. In the Role field, use the dropdown arrow and select Account Admin. Click the Save button in lower right. The newly created user credentials will allow access to the Infobase Admin Portal only if role is set as Account Admin.AdminPortal-CreatePersonalizedCreds-3_120424.png
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