Title Data


Title Data Report

This function is found in the Infobase Admin portal at https://admin.infobase.com (login required). It is labelled either "Title Data" or, in products that support custom content, "My Content" > "Title Data". Not all products offer title lists.  




The titles tab, and the additional tabs available (varies by product), show limited data.

  • For most products, the page is limited by default to titles released in the previous 30 days, as noted in the orange header message. You can remove this limitation or set up a different date range where it says "Only New Titles", and set up other filters such as collection in the top right as shown. 
  • The display columns show only a few pieces of metadata such as ID and title. Additional metadata is available in the "Export Report" function. 


Downloading a Report

If you wish to download a report, click "Export Report" on the right.

  • The export will incorporate only the titles that match your filters on the main page; for example, if it is limited to new titles, the export will also be limited to new titles. See Filters above for more information. 
  • Additional metadata fields can be selected from Export Titles Report interface; this varies by product. An example from Learn360 is shown below. 
  • You can select XSLX (a normal Excel spreadsheet) or a CSV (comma separated values file). 


Series Data Report

Export all segments metadata for your collections.  This page is limited to series published in the last 30 days by default; see Filters above for more information. Additional fields can be selected from within Export Report. You can select XSLX (a normal Excel spreadsheet) or a CSV (comma separated values file). 


Segments Data Report

Segments are stand-alone chapters within videos. Not all videos have segments. Additional fields can be selected from within Export Report. You can select XSLX (a normal Excel spreadsheet) or a CSV (comma separated values file).


Related Resources Data Report

Related Resources are PDFs and other supplementary materials that complement videos in the streaming platforms.  Cross-reference the Title ID or Title Name (an optional field) in this report with the Title ID from the title report to connect the video with the materials. You can select XSLX (a normal Excel spreadsheet) or a CSV (comma separated values file).



Custom Content

Custom content has its own set of title list exporting functions. For more about this offering, see the Custom Content category of the Help Center.


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