If your school or district is using Clever, you have the option of linking your product user account you use for Clever. Linking accounts allows for one-click login access to the platform using the "Log in with Clever" button on all subsequent requests, or by clicking on the product app from within your Clever portal.
This is a one time linking process, and once setup will allow for seamless, one-click access to the product from your Clever portal or using the log in with Clever button if you are accessing the product directly, using the general teacher or student account.
Log in with Clever is an optional, FREE feature that can be disabled at the account level within the admin portal. For more information on Clever, please visit their website.
Assuming this feature is enabled for your account, the below steps outline how to add the product application inside Clever and how to use the Log in with Clever button. Both options will require you to link the product user account to your Clever account.
The following products are currently integrated with Clever:
- Learn360
- Classroom Video on Demand
- World Almanac for Kids Elementary
- World Almanac for Kids Intermediate
Option 1: Using the Log In with Clever Button
If you are already in the product and not signed in with a personal account, you have the option of using your Clever account to sign in instead.
You will need to be logged into the product using the teacher or student general account before proceeding.
For example, if you want to log into your Learn360 account with Clever, click on the My Learn360 menu option in the top, right-hand corner of the site.
Click on the Log in with Clever button shown in the screenshot below and you will be redirected to link your account page.
From this page, you have two options:
- Login with an existing Learn360 username and password, or
- Create a new Learn360 username and password (this form will be pre-populated with your Clever account information)
- Once you have entered your username and password, click on the Link button to complete this process. You will be redirected back to the product and logged in with the account you entered. You can confirm the linking of accounts from within your My Profile page. Click on the My Profile from the Welcome menu and scroll to the bottom of this page under Connected Partner Apps. Clever sign in will be turned ON and your Clever account will be listed to the right of this option.
- If you don't already have a product account, you can click on the "Create one!" link at the bottom of this link page. You will be redirected to the create account page with information from your Clever account pre-populated in all of the fields. You may edit this information or simply click the "Create Account" button. You will be redirected back to the product and logged in with the account you entered here. You can confirm the linking of accounts from within your My Profile page. Click on My Profile from the Welcome menu and scroll to the bottom of this page under Connect Partner Apps. Clever sign in will be turned ON and your Clever account will be listed to the right of this option (see above screenshot).
Option 2: Using the Product App Inside Your Clever Portal
If your Clever district or school administrator has added the product app to your Clever portal, you may complete this same linking process from within Clever.
The account linking process is slightly different coming from Clever the first time in that no create new account option will exist. Currently, we have no way of knowing what account a Clever user should belong under until an existing product account is entered.
Similar to above, clicking on the product app from within Clever will redirect you to the same Login to link with Clever page shown above, minus option 2.
Once you have entered your username and password, click on the Link button to complete this process. You will be redirected back to the product and logged in with the account you entered here.
You can confirm the linking of accounts from within your My Profile page. Click on My Profile from the Welcome menu and scroll to the bottom of this page under Connected Partner Apps. Clever sign in will be turned ON and you Clever account will be listed to the right of this option.
How to Add the Product Application to your Dashboard
You will need to log into Clever as a District or School Admin.
Once logged in, click on Add Application under the Applications left-hand menu.
Search for the product in the search box and it should come right up.
Click Select to add it to your list of selected applications.
Once you have finished selecting applications, click the blue Next button to proceed.
You will be taken to the Confirm Application page. Currently, the product app requires approval from support before you can start using it. Select whether or not you have a subscription to the product and click finish.
This will generate an email to our support department for them to review and approve.
Once you have made a selection, click the blue Finish button to proceed. Before this application can be used, you must set your data sharing rules. Select one of the sharing options below.
On the next page, you will be asked to confirm sharing selection with a check box. Check the box and click Save Changes.
Once support has approved your app request, the product application will automatically appear on Dashboard of any user you shared it with.
Now that the application is available on your dashboard, anyone can gain instant access to the product by clicking on the app.
Everyone must complete a one time linking process shown below. Once you have entered your username and password, click on the Link button to complete this process. You will be redirected back to the product and logged in with the account you entered here.
You can confirm the linking of account from within your My Profile page. Click on My Profile from the Welcome menu and scroll to the bottom of this page under Connected Partner Apps. Clever sign in will be turned ON and your Clever account will be listed to the right of this option.
Once you have entered your username and password, click on the Link button to complete this process. You will be redirected back to the product and logged in with the account you entered.
You can confirm the linking of accounts from within your My Profiles page. Click on My Profile from the Welcome menu and scroll to the bottom of this page under Connected Partner Apps. Clever sign in will be turned ON and your Clever account will be listed to the right of this option.
You're All Set!
Now that the linking process has been completed, you will be able to access your product account seamlessly going forward. Even if you click the logout option inside the product, you will be able to get right back into your account with a single click of the Log in with Clever button, or by clicking on the product app within your Clever portal.
Removing the Account Linkage
If for any reason you need to remove the link between your Clever account and the product, simply go into your My Profile page and click the blue ON to toggle Clever sign in to the OFF position. Click Save Changes at the bottom of this page and your account will no longer be linked. You will have to repeat the steps above to restore the linkage.